Windows TAP Problems?

Lance Fredrickson lancethepants at
Mon Jan 12 18:51:49 CET 2015

On 1/12/2015 10:29 AM, Tanel Liiv wrote:
> Etienne Dechamps <etienne at ...> writes:
>> You should mention your tinc version and the version of the
>> "TAP-Windows Adapter V9" driver for the virtual network device you're
>> using (i.e. the contents of "Driver version" as seen in the Device
>> Manager).
>> On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 10:04 PM, Adam Del Vecchio <adam at ...> wrote:
>>> Hello tincers,
>>> I was recently trying to add a new Windows client to my tinc network and ran
>>> into an interesting error; upon starting tinc I am met with the usual
>>> successful startup (debug level 0; detects TAP device; Ready), however it
>>> appears that any writes/reads from the TAP device fail with:
>>> "Error while writing to Windows tap device <device ID truncated>: (997)
>>> Overlapped I/O operation is in progress"
>>> [...]
> Hello, I am experiencing the exact same problem.
> On Windows 8.1.
> Tap version:
> Tinc: 1.0.25
> It seems tinc is working (I can ping 3 other hosts on the network). But it
> seems it makes tinc a bit unstable, because the first few times it failed
> to run correctly(cmd hung after a huge load of those I/O errors).
> Regards,
> Tanel Liiv
I was having a similar issue on one coputer. The log was filled with I/O 
errors.  I had installed the TAP driver from OpenVPN, but removed it and 
installed the one packaged with tinc.  I do have another computer that 
is using the OpenVPN supplied one and seems to work fine.  I know there 
are like two versions of TAP that you can get with OpenVPN, but am 
unsure which had the issue.  I almost wonder if simply removing the TAP 
interface and re-installing it would fix it.  I would try a re-install 
first using the current driver, and then try an OpenVPN variant if that 
doesn't work.


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