Create network of untrusted peers (like SocialVPN, ChaosVPN, etc)

Parke at
Mon Dec 18 22:26:27 CET 2017

On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 11:37 AM, Glauber Ferreira
<glaubermmf at> wrote:
> What other kind of attacks should I be aware of?
> (Impersonation, Any kinds of malicious broadcasts, etc)

Possibly relevant:

Etienne Dechamps wrote:
> In general however, I would advise against trusting other nodes, even with
> StrictSubnets=yes. tinc is not currently designed to provide strong
> protection against insider attacks - for the most part it assumes that
> every node inside the metaconnection graph can be trusted. In my opinion
> tinc will do poorly in a scenario where a "compromised node" is part of
> your threat model.


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