What latency should i expect

jadz at toybox.fyremoon.net jadz at toybox.fyremoon.net
Sun Mar 27 01:10:11 CET 2005

My next question for tonight is what network latency should we expect over 
the tinc vpn.

Currently I'm seeing around 200ms latency via ping, regardless of 
pinging a vpn host which is actually over the Internet, several hops of 
reality away, or if I'm pinging a box which is across the local switch.

A ping of 200ms when the traffic is going over the Internet, i could 
believe.  But 200ms when the other end of the link is a few feet away, i 
don't like so much.  Pinging the box across the switch directly (not via 
the vpn) gets response times of 0-1ms, as you'd expect.

Now when i do ping directly the hosts which are seperated by a bit of 
Internet, they are all on fairly fast links and the direct ping latency is 
4-5ms, where as the tinc vpn latency is 200ms.

What gives?

Thanks in advance

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