New Protocol

md at md at
Sat Dec 20 21:43:03 CET 2014


I have been test running the VPN between 2 geographically different
clusters on a TINC VPN for a couple of days.

How confident are you in the New Protocol in 1.1Pre10?

Or should I just play it safe and run the old protocol for production?

How long do you think it will take for you to have confidence in the new

When do you think you will gain that confidence?

You should be congratulated, I did NOT have to install OpenVPN - TincVPN
is WAY better.

Some learning curve, but still good.

What script is called when the link between nodes goes down?
What parameter is called and what environment variables are there for
determining which link went down?  And came back up?

What is the logic you use inside TincVPN to determine a link is down?



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