One host for forwarding only without keys

Armin armin at
Fri Sep 2 10:40:44 CEST 2016

Hello all,

as written in my other posts, I have a setup of about seven
hosts. Two of them (A and B) use StrictSubnets and an own routing via
a special host (C), because C has better connection to the A and B than 
a direct A-B connection.

Host C is in a place where I need to create special security settings.
The VPN encrypted data shall not be available on host C.
There is no need for host C be in routing of tinc vpn, it just shall
forward the encrypted packets to another host when needed.

Is it possible to setup a host as part of a tinc network without the 
access to the packets (decrypted)?
Or do I need to setup some other kind of tunnel for this?


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