tinc initialization (in both Red Hat and Debian families)

Răzvan Sandu rsandu2007 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 25 12:25:19 CEST 2015

La 25.09.2015 13:00, tinc-request la tinc-vpn.org a scris:

> Unfortunately, this is not something that maps well to systemd. It would
> require a systemd to run a script that parses the sysconfig file and
> start all the tinc daemons. Systemd will then put all those daemons in
> the same control group and won't recognize something is wrong if only
> one of the daemons fail. So backwards compatibility with the old way Red
> Hat did it is not really the way to go.


IMHO, it's *unavoidable* that the systemd initialization reads some sort of
configuration file and learns from it how many tincd processes it should
launch and which VPN name for each.

If the configuration file tinc.conf remains VPN-dependent ( *different*
tinc.conf files for VPN1, VPN2, etc., located under /etc/tinc/VPN1,
/etc/tinc/VPN2, etc.) the above-mentioned configuration file cannot be

So I thought one may use /etc/sysconfig/tinc instead. Of course, this has
the disadvantage of being Red Hat-specific; it would be *great* to have,
for that role, a configuration file that resides in a common place, for
both Red Hat and Debian families.

Best regards,
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