Tinc Service unable to start on Windows 8.1

Cobin Bluth cbluth at gmail.com
Thu Feb 27 17:07:19 CET 2014

I can confirm it works well. I use tinc to connect to my win 8.1
workstation almost everyday.

I just followed the docs and I make sure that I configure the interface in
network and sharing center before starting the service.
 On Feb 27, 2014 6:38 AM, "Maik" <tinc at maikschmidt.org> wrote:

>  Has anyone tried to use tinc on a Windows 8.1 system? I just did it and noticed, that I am unable to start the service.
> *c:\Program Files (x86)\tinc\tincd -n vpn tinc.vpn service installed tinc.vpn se*rvice started
> .. will create and start the service, but not really. The servic exists, but can not be started.
> If I start the service manually, I got the following message (translated literally): the service "tinc.vpn" was started on the local computer und stopped afterward. Some services  will be stopped automatically, if they will be used independent from other services or applications.
> I can start tinc with ..
> *c:\Program Files (x86)\tinc\tincd -D -n vpn*
> .. without problems, but have to keep the window open and that's not really useable. ;-)
> Any ideas how to fix the problem?
> Many thanks!*Maik*
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