Using a tinc vpn as a default route

Jamie Briggs jamie.briggs at
Wed May 15 02:32:37 CEST 2002

I have been trying to set up one end of a tinc vpn as a default gateway
for the other and am not having much success.

Given that I have two machines, A and B.  I have a working tinc
connection between A and B on an internal network.  B has access to
machines on A's subnet using statements such as


A is connected to the internet, B has to go through A to get there.  If
I add a specific subnet to A I can get to external hosts.  For example


will allow me to connect to from B.

I would like to use the A as the default route for B, but when I try the


I get "Cannot route packet: unknown destination address"
from B's tinc log.

Is there a way to set up tinc as a default route other than the above?
I am using tinc 1.0pre5, is there a known problem with this version that
prevents setting up a default route through it?

This was previously working through a tinc 1.0pre2 based link and I am
in the process of upgrading.  If necessary I can run the pre2 setup a
while longer so there is no panic.

Thanks in advance for any information.

- Jamie
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