Tinc config problem

gabe w gw7791 at hotmail.com
Sun Feb 25 20:52:04 CET 2001

I fairly new to Linux, and I'm trying to set up Tinc on my Linux box. However I got stuck at the following point in the documentation:
The actual setup of the ethertap device is quite simple, just repeat after me:
        ifconfig tap_n_ hw ether fe:fd:00:00:00:00
Now, this is obviously not what I have to type to the command prompt, although, I'm not ashamed to say,  that I tried this, too. These are the commands that I also tried:

    ifconfig tap0 hw ether fe:fd:00:00:00:00     # /dev/tap0 being the device file I had created w/ mknod
    ifconfig /dev/tap0 hw ether fe:fd:00:00:00:00
    ifconfig /dev/tap0 hw eth0 fe:fd:00:00:00:00
    ifconfig tap_0 hw ether fe:fd:00:00:00:00

, all of which resulted in the message:
    SIOCHIFHWADDR: No such device
, except #3, which resulted in the output of the usage of ifconfig. 

I'd really apreciate if anyone could tell me what the actual command should look like.

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