AW: issue with tinc and libvirt / Network is already in use by interface tun0

Sven-Haegar Koch haegar at
Sat Mar 5 12:22:47 CET 2016

On Sat, 5 Mar 2016, shad0wrunner at wrote:

> Sorry, I don't get it. I thought the Subnet parameter is indented for
> routing local nets to the remote host.
> This way a remote host can access the provided  local nets.
> What I have is my host A with vms (ips within
> My host A has a bridge to the  vm's network. The bridge has the IP
> Furthor more my host A has a tinc device tun0 with the IP
>  My host A has A static internet IP.
> I want to connect Host B to Host A via tinc. Host B should be able to access
> all VM's within the network To get this to work I have to
> create on both hosts a hostfile with the name A.conf containing the entries:
> Address = XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
> Subnet =
> Subnet =
> right? Or am I wrong?

This sounds correct - but this only includes what tinc announces to the 
other sides.

But what is in your tinc-up script on host A?

Which IP really gets configured on the tun interface, and which routes 
added? I think here is the problem in your setup.


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- Ben F.

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