SystemD Trigger

md at md at
Tue Mar 1 13:06:46 CET 2016


Can you give me an example of <netname>.

My eth0 device is assigned a public ip address, but I will not use tinc 
to secure traffic over that interface.

There will be an eth1 device that has a externally visible IP Address.  
It is on this eth1 device that I want
the virtual tun0 device to route its traffic.

Maybe under Ubuntu, I will have a different device name tun0?  (I only 
tested tinc on centos6 earlier)



On 3/1/2016 5:37 AM, Guus Sliepen wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 01, 2016 at 04:31:13AM -0600, md at wrote:
>> Where do I get information about the details of not needing a tinc-up script
>> anymore?  (/etc/network/interfaces)
> You can just use the normal /etc/network/interfaces way of configuring
> the interface, like this:
> iface vpn inet manual
> 	address
> 	netmask
> 	tinc-net <netname>
>> Also, after that interface comes up and is ready, only THEN do I want to run
>> other software.
> During boot, all services that require the network is online are started
> AFTER all auto interfaces in /etc/network/interfaces have been brought
> up.
>> What piece of data can I monitor programmatically (C++, python, etc) to know
>> when the interface is up and running ok?
>> What I want to void is having to execute an ifconfig command and then parse
>> the output in a program.
> There's /sys/class/net/<interface>/operstate, which should exist and
> contain "up" when the interface is up. Otherwise, there's the netlink
> interface, but I've never worked with that myself.
> But be warned, whether an interface is up still doesn't mean that your
> network is actually working. For example, you'd want to mount a NFS
> share if the interface is up AND if the NFS server itself is up and
> reachable. If you can instead make your services more resilient to
> changes in the network state, that would be better.
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