Automated Windows installer

Рысь lynx at
Sat Oct 17 09:54:01 CEST 2015

Does anyone had an experience with automating Windows installation

I am planning (after my extension programming) to implement the
following inside it:

User runs installer, goes through usual pages and then installer asks
for a name of his/her future node.

It's not a problem to embed our network bootstrap configuration inside

The problem starts with Windows itself. We have tap-win{32,64}
directories. Inside them, there is a few batch files and tapinstall.exe
binary. It actually performs installation process of TAP driver and
new interface.

And that's it: I can't safely rename interface from installer batch
file. If it comes with name "Local Area Connection", then I can rename
it. But if user has many unrenamed "Local Area Connection"'s? And
localization issues: in Russia, it's always "Подключение по локальной
сети". And OS can append a number if there multiple ones.

I can't link which interface belongs to which adapter: newly created,
physical or virtual, TAP or VMWare and so on.

Does anyone tried to solve this ever?

Ironically, Linux configuration can be scripted well, but I usually do
that by hand.

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