Lower tinc traffic in idle condition

Heng Wang hwang at verifeye.com
Tue Jul 21 20:18:58 CEST 2015

Hi there,

We just started to use tinc and it was working great for us.
However it is a bandwidth-limited scenario for us. With the increment of
nodes under one tinc network, we noticed a significant increment for the
traffic each tinc node is consuming. Currently even if we don't transmit
any data through tinc network, in a 300 nodes network each node is
consuming around 5G data per month.
>From log files I can tell all sorts of traffic type:
MTU/PING-PONG/EDGE/SUBNET...., can we disable any of these without
affecting tinc connection ?
We're happy as long as the connection is there, so something like MTU
discovery isn't a must for us. However I tried disable that from the conf
file and the connection became unstable.

Thanks for answering my question.
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