tinc throughput on alix machines

Jelle de Jong jelledejong at powercraft.nl
Thu Mar 18 08:50:38 CET 2010

Michael Braun wrote, on 18-03-10 02:18:
> I've tried disabling the cryptodev and replacing the kernel with a stock
> debian one but this did not help. Though, it did help a very little bit
> to decrease mtu size of the tinc device to 1400 (about 200Kb/sec).
> What OS / distribution are you running on your alix machines?

I use debian stable on the alix machines and I am using a switch mode
tinc setup with bridged interfaces.

Are you sure the internet connections for your systems on all nodes of
the device have enghough bandwidth. What is the performance of scp
commands (can be checked with bwm-ng).

Kind regards,


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