tinc throughput on alix machines

Jelle de Jong jelledejong at powercraft.nl
Wed Mar 17 12:52:17 CET 2010

Hi Michael,

michael-dev wrote, on 17-03-10 01:36:
> Does somebody have any numbers around on what one could expect on a
> 500 Mhz machine using tinc with/without encryption or on what to
> try out to improve throughput?

I got a hole bunch of alix systems running with tinc to create a wan.

I have no issues with the bandwidth throughput. I do not use the
crypto unit since the openssl lib does not (yet) work with the
hardware on debian gnu/linux.

I use the following settings on the alix systems:

Compression = 9
PMTU = 1400
PMTUDiscovery = yes
# Cipher = aes-128-cbc

I know for sure I can do 50Mbits up en down, and probably it can even
go higher but have not tested this yet.

Kind regards,


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