Metadata socket and net2str() error

Guus Sliepen guus at
Wed Jul 10 11:00:30 CEST 2002

On Tue, Jul 09, 2002 at 10:54:32PM +0200, Internal Affaires wrote:

> (Server)
> # route add -net subnet dev tap0
> (Client)
> # route add -net subnet dev tap0

Instead of adding those routes, you can change the ifconfig in tinc-up
or whereever you put it to:

ifconfig tap0 netmask

> Two more things.. I've added the above route commands to each of the
> appropriate tinc-up scripts, but it appears as though that doesn't work. So,
> instead I've added them to /etc/init.d/bootmisc, which does work.

Hm, did you really put "subnet" there? I think that should
be "netmask". Adding routes from tinc-up should work...

> Also, when I start "iptraf" to monitor network traffic, I get a selection
> list of devices to monitor, but only the regular eth and lo devices are
> listed, not the vpn device.

iptraf has a silly method of detecting the device type: if the interface
name starts with "eth" it thinks it's an ethernet device, if it starts
with "ppp" it thinks it's a PPP device, and if it starts with something
it doesn't know it ignores it. You can use a hex editor, look for a long
list of interface names, and modify one you don't use. You can also
download the source, add tap and recompile it.

Other tools like tcpdump and ethereal work fine with ethertap devices.

Met vriendelijke groet / with kind regards,
    Guus Sliepen <guus at>
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