iproute2 problems

Robert Horgan robert at nsasia.co.th
Mon Jun 11 03:43:26 CEST 2018

I currently am using tinc 1.0.33 on a 4 node Ubuntu 14.04 server network at Digital Ocean connecting on the Eth1 private network interfaces.  This works great.

Recently I added two more Ubuntu 18.04 servers at the same location and attempted to link them to the Tinc mesh already established.  The 18.04 servers do not allow me to use the net-tools ipconfig command and so I have adapted my tinc-up commands to use iproute2 commands.

# tinc-up
ip tuntap add dev $INTERFACE mode tun
ip addr add dev $INTERFACE
ip link set dev $INTERFACE up

However, when I run this command I get the error 
Error: either "name" is duplicate, or "tun" is a garbage.
Command line is not complete. Try option "help"
Cannot find device "up"

I have tried variations of the commands in the tinc-up file, but cannot get a result without errors.

my /etc/tinc/vpn/tinc.conf file:
Name = web3
AddressFamily = ipv4
BindToAddress = (changed)
Interface = tun0
ConnectTo = db1

systemctl status tinc:
tinc.service - Tinc VPN
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/tinc.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled

Question, when using iproute2 on ubuntu 18.04 should I use a different configuration for tinc-up?
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