"Communication prohibited" error when pinging

August Johansson augustperson25 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 9 13:11:56 CEST 2018

I installed tinc on two of my server and it runs fine. But I have two
* if I try to ping my server via its tinc address I get a "Communication
prohibited" error even though I know that the goal server should be open to
communication. also, I would like to use ssh with the others in my vpn  (
right now only my NeetBSD server ) but nmap says the port is filtrered. I
made sure to unblock the port in iptables. below are some config files.
apelsin are my Devuan server, citron is the name of the NetBSD server and
citrus is the name of the virtual network.

my /etc/init.d/tinc on my Devuan server:

tinc-up script on my Devuan server:

ip link set $INTERFACE up
ip addr add dev $INTERFACE
ip route add dev $INTERFACE

tinc-up script on my NetBSD server:


ifconfig "$INTERFACE" up
ifconfig bridge0 addm "$INTERFACE" stp "$INTERFACE"

tinc.conf on my NetBSD server:

Name = citron
Device = /dev/tun0
AddressFamily = ipv4

I have the same config file my Devuan file except the lines Name and

* NetBSD doesnt seem to have a /etc/rc.d/ file for tinc. how do I start
tinc on boot on NetBSD?

thanks for your help
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