Behavior like -R and -L SSH

Guus Sliepen guus at
Tue Aug 29 20:43:33 CEST 2017

On Mon, Aug 28, 2017 at 10:48:56PM -0400, Rafael Wolf wrote:

> I wanted a TINC tunnel like this, where I have a server on the Internet
> with a public IPv4 address as my TINC server.  Then I can have clients
> connect to it and see each other except that the client at a customer
> site would allow me to route behind it so I could see hosts on site beyond
> my device on premise.
> Internal Devices <-- Customer Site with a rasperry pi --> Internet -->
> Public Server <-- Laptop, PC, whatever
> Server with public IPv4 address:
> /etc/tinc/devtun/tinc-up
>   #!/bin/sh
>   ifconfig $INTERFACE
>   route add -net gw dev $INTERFACE

The route statement is correct. However, "gw" does not do
anything when tinc is in router mode. You can leave it out.

> /etc/tinc/devtun/hosts/devtun
>   TunnelServer = yes
>   Address =
>   Subnet =
>   -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----
>   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>   -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----
>   * Note that I also tried putting in another "Subnet" for the
> but it
>     didn't seem to do anything.

You should only put in Subnet statements for those address ranges that
belong to that node itself. It seems like is the address
range for the internal devices at the customer site, so this does not
belong to devtun.

> Client config (rasperry pi at the client site):
> /etc/tinc/tinc-up
>   #!/bin/sh
>   ifconfig $INTERFACE
>   # This route breaks networking!  Definitely don't use this!
>   # route add -net gw dev $INTERFACE

You should indeed not add this route. If belongs to the
internal network, then adding a route for to the VPN
interface will ensure demo can no longer talk to its internal network.

> /etc/tinc/demo/hosts/demo
>   TunnelServer = yes
>   Address =
>   Subnet =
>   Subnet =
>   Mode = router
>   -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----
>   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>   -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----
> Got ADD_SUBNET from demo ( port 54059): 10 3d2ef9c2 demo
> Ignoring unauthorized ADD_SUBNET from demo ( port 54059):
> Both server and client can ping each other.
> So...why would I be getting that "unauthorized subnet" from the demo site?

Because you are using the TunnelServer option, which implicitly also
enables the StrictSubnets option. Try it without TunnelServer = yes.

> Once I iron out the subnet issue how can I "route" from the server or other
> clients connected to the server beyond the client (which is my pi)?

Your configuration looks correct to me, as long as you remove the
TunnelServer option.

> OH and also...when I have the client config files like this on each host:
> server has:
>   devtun <-- what I actually fire up with tincd to "listen"
>   demo
> client has:
>   devtun
>   demo <-- what I actually fire up with tincd to "connect"
> ...does the client really care what the "devtun" config file has in it
> besides the authentication key?

Yes, if you use TunnelServer = yes then it will also use the Subnets
from that file, and will not allow devtun use any other Subnet.
Otherwise, no.

> ...does the server really care what the "demo" config file has in it
> besides the autnetication key?

Yes, it also reads the Subnets because TunnelServer = yes, and it reads
the Address statement so it knows how to connect to demo.

Met vriendelijke groet / with kind regards,
     Guus Sliepen <guus at>
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