using both ConnectTo and AutoConnect to avoid network partitions

Nirmal Thacker nirmalthacker at
Tue Aug 22 02:37:06 CEST 2017


Today our Tinc network saw a network partition when we took one tinc node

We knew there was a network partition since the graph showed a split. This
graph is not very helpful but its what I have at the moment:

- (ignore node labeled ignore, since its a dead node anyways)
- node R was shutdown for maintenance
- We saw a network split
- we brought node R back up.
- Tinc didn't restore a mesh and the split remained. The graph was
generated at this point

Some info regarding our config:
- we are using tinc 1.1pre14
- we are using tinc in router mode
- We do not have any ConnectTo variables mentioned in any nodes (maybe this
is our problem)
- All nodes use AutoConnect=yes

How we fixed it:
- we explicitly added some ConnectTo variables to node R
- We reloaded tinc on node R (tinc reload)
- The mesh was restored

Some questions:
- should we have a combination of both ConnectTo and AutoConnect to avoid
such a network split?
- Say we have 3 ConnectTo variables and then AutoConnect=yes, would there
ever be more than 3 connections ? (I read somewhere that AutoConnect will
make upto 3 connections only)

Any other tips and suggestions to avoid such a network split would be

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