How does tinc server handle the case one client's key file is removed after connection

Рысь lynx at
Mon Jul 25 18:32:57 CEST 2016

On Mon, 25 Jul 2016 12:16:36 -0400
Heng Wang <jason.wangh на> wrote:

> Hi Guys,
> Say when tinc is running all good, the "server" contains all the key
> files of clients.
> If we remove the key file for client A during run, how long before
> does server find out the key
> file is gone? I see a "KeyExpire" option in the conf file, is this
> the time?
> In my own experiment, the client will still be able to connect to the
> tinc network even if the key file is being removed. Of course the
> connection will be gone if I restart tinc server on the client side.
> Thank you.
> Heng

Usually you manually tell tinc that a particular client has gone by
sending a SIGHUP signal to it. There probably no configurable option to
automatically remove a client from network once it's config (key) file
was removed.

But does not it happen automatically? Tinc tries to open
config file on next connection attempt, and if that fails - denies it.
At least on 1.0.x.

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