TINC config files layout not human or script friendly

md at rpzdesign.com md at rpzdesign.com
Mon Jan 12 05:05:44 CET 2015

I would say the weakest part of the TINC design is the configuration 
file layout.

There is no way to split out the essentially static configuration for 
all nodes in the cluster and isolate the node specific settings to one 
configuration file.

So that means I have to keep an inventory of configuration files per 
node so I can edit and deliver them and keep everything straight.

The private keys are in standalone files, but the public key is buried 
in along with other node specific settings in the host identifer file.

So that makes it difficult to use a batch script and SSH and just update 
all the nodes with a new public/private key pair.

Better yet, an option for a new key pair to autogenerate every N days or 
hours and then self deliver the public keys across the net via VPN.

Also, in tinc-up script, I use the $INTERFACE for dynamic device name, 
but I would love if more config files, tinc.conf and the host config 
files could make more use of the $VARIABLE mechanism
and maybe have a variables config file per node.

That way my tinc-up file would be the same for every node. And my 
tinc.conf file.

That way all per node specific settings would be in ONE file and all the 
other config files would be static for all nodes in the cluster.

This message is part rant, part request, sorry if I offend anyone.


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