tinc 1.1pre10 slower than tinc 1.0, experimentalProtocol even more

Guus Sliepen guus at tinc-vpn.org
Tue Apr 15 14:18:38 CEST 2014

On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 11:09:09AM +0200, Henning Verbeek wrote:

> On tinc 1.0, with cipher aes-128-cbc and digest sha1, I managed to get
> around 900Mbit/s throughput
> Reading about tinc 1.1, specifically the use of a GCM cipher suite to
> reduce the cost of HMAC, we've decided to test it. The results are quite
> surprising:
> * using the experimental protocol, throughput falls to around 380Mbit/s;
> both tincd are at or just above 100% CPU (the host has 8 cores)

I'm not too surprised about that; although the new protocol itself should have
a much higher throughput, it does not always use direct communication via UDP
yet, so it could be that the traffic is going via TCP, which will limit the
throughput considerably.

> * not specificing ECDSA keys, throughput is around 600Mbit/s; both tincd
> are at around 90-95% CPU

That is cause for concern, since it should then just use the old protocol with
exactly the same behaviour as tinc 1.0. There are however some other changes in
tinc 1.1 which might cause throughput to be lowered, I'll have a look at that.

> sptps_speed reports:
> Generating keys for 10 seconds:           5200.94 op/s
> ECDSA sign for 10 seconds:                3710.72 op/s
> ECDSA verify for 10 seconds:              1734.05 op/s
> ECDH for 10 seconds:                      1449.40 op/s
> SPTPS/TCP authenticate for 10 seconds:     641.37 op/s
> SPTPS/TCP transmit for 10 seconds:           8.45 Gbit/s
> SPTPS/UDP authenticate for 10 seconds:     640.18 op/s
> SPTPS/UDP transmit for 10 seconds:           8.64 Gbit/s

That's the fastest I've seen so far, but not unexpected of one of the fastest
Haswell processors available. Note that 1.1pre11 will not use AES-GCM anymore,
but will instead use ChaCha-Poly1305, which will lower the throughput on your
processor to about 2 Gbit/s (you can try out the latest commit from the 1.1
branch of tinc's git repository, and run sptps_speed again). However, it will
be much faster on processors which do not have AESNI.

The sptps_speed program tests the performance of the new protocol in a
semi-realistic way: the last four values are measured by making a real
connection between two "nodes", and transmitting data in packets of the same
size as tinc itself would use. However, it does not include any overhead or
latencies caused by a real network, nor does it simulate the overhead and
latencies caused by having to read and write packets from/to the TUN/TAP

> Note: the two nodes are connected via two separate tinc-mesh-networks
> (since they participate in different network groups). Two tincds are
> running, sharing the same UDP port; one is configured with ECDSA keys, the
> other without. Not sure if that is causing a problem.

Uh, are you sure they are running on the same UDP port? Normally, only tinc
daemon can use a given port. If you did manage to run them on the same port,
then it would indeed cause problems.

> Are these findings expected? Or are we doing something wrong, missing
> something? Is there any way to get close to raw network throughput?

I do hope that when all issues have been resolved and tinc 1.1.0 can be
released, actual throughput is much closer to the throughput measured by
sptps_speed. Also, at the moment, both tinc and sptps_speed are single-threaded, so
on a multi-core machine the throughput could in principle be multiplied by the
number of cores, however that only makes sense if the encryption and
authentication themselves are the bottleneck.

Met vriendelijke groet / with kind regards,
     Guus Sliepen <guus at tinc-vpn.org>
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