Missing connection

Rene Bartsch renne.bartsch at gmail.com
Sat Mar 30 20:21:32 CET 2013


I've set up Tinc in switch-mode on the three nodes "gw", "rb493g" and
"v900w", but the nodes "rb493g" and "w900v" do not connect to each

On each node port 655 is opened with TCP and UDP.

"gw":      static IPv4- and IPv6 address listed in the hosts-file "gw"
              hosts-files: "gw", "rb493g", "w900v"
              "Name = gw" in tinc.conf
              No ConnectTo-statements in tinc.conf

              host-up for nodes with dynamic ip:

                   /bin/sed -e '/Address/d' -i $FILE
                   /bin/echo "Address = $REMOTEADDRESS $REMOTEPORT" >> $FILE

"rb493g": dynamic IPv4 address not listed in any hosts-file
              hosts-files: "gw", "rb493g"
              "Name = rb493g" in tinc.conf
              "ConnectTo = gw" in tinc.conf

"w900v": dynamic IPv4 address not listed in any hosts-file
              hosts-files: "gw", "w900v"
              "Name = w900v" in tinc.conf
              "ConnectTo = gw" in tinc.conf

Common entries in all three tinc.confs:

AddressFamily = any
Broadcast = mst
DecrementTTL = no
Device = /dev/net/tun
DeviceType = tap
DirectOnly = no
Forwarding = internal
Hostnames = yes
#LocalDiscovery = yes
Mode = switch
PriorityInheritance = yes
PrivateKeyFile = /etc/tinc/bartschnet/rsa_key.priv
ProcessPriority = high
PingInterval = 20
PingTimeout = 5

Cipher = aes-128-cbc
ClampMSS = yes
Compression = 0
Digest = sha1
IndirectData = yes
PMTUDiscovery = yes
Port = 655

I can ping each node from each other node, but the DOT-graph shows no
direct connection between "rb493g" and "w900v" causing superflous
traffic and latency on the uplink of the node "gw"

What do I have to change to make "rb493g" and "w900v" connect to each
other despite dynamic ips? Shouldn't "gw" notify "rb493g" of the
dynamic ip of "w900v" and vice versa?

Thanx for any hint,


Happy Holidays! :)

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