Including tinc in an app

Guus Sliepen guus at
Tue Sep 18 23:16:44 CEST 2012

On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 10:28:48PM +0200, Hinnack wrote:

> Is there already a library for including tinc into an application directly?
> This could be useful on devices, where you can not install tinc natively
> e.g. on the iPhone. If I could include the whole logic into my app, I could
> send /receive data directly through the lib.
> As tinc sits very high in the OSI model - as far as I know, this all should
> be possible...

Tinc communicates with other daemons via UDP and TCP, which is very high in the
OSI model, but what it does inside those UDP and TCP connections is
transmitting Ethernet or IP packets, which are very low in the OSI model. So
unless you want to send and receive individual packets, as opposed to
establishing a TCP connection with a host inside the VPN, putting tinc directly
in your app is not very helpful.

What kind of app did you have in mind?

Met vriendelijke groet / with kind regards,
     Guus Sliepen <guus at>
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