Chef Cookbook Tinc

Guilhem LETTRON guilhem+tinc at
Thu Apr 5 11:48:28 CEST 2012

Hello all,

I'm working with  ≈30 servers all connected by tinc. I do an
installation cookbook for tinc :

I have not release it for the moment (in the chef xommunity) because
I'm waiting for some comments by you (if I do all things right etc).

What my cookbook do :
* The main target is Ubuntu for the moment (I'm working only with it)
but it can be extanded to all GNU/Linux distro (and I hope some of you
will do that :) )
** I use some upstart scripts to launch tinc because I like some good
features of upstart (oom never, respawn etc) (When they will be
totally finish an tested, maybe we can add it to ubuntu official
package). init can also be used but some code cleanup must be done. If
someone know systemd it will be a pleasure to add it!

* When you add the tinc recipe : it install tinc packages and add
upstart scripts. It also configure networks, tinc.conf file and all
hosts/* files from all the servers that you already configure with
* You can add a recipe to add my ppa repository
* adding the recipe "core" indicate that this node will be a
"ConnectTo" target for all others nodes.

Many others "tricks" are done by this cookbook but it's working well in my case.

This is not production ready for everyone, but I hope it's a good
start for some of you.

Best regards.

Ingénieur - Architecte système
Youscribe -

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