Timeout from server <...> during authentication

Diego Pasqualin dgp06 at c3sl.ufpr.br
Tue Aug 10 19:23:35 CEST 2010

Hello, I'm trying to create a vpn using TINC with a WindowsServer2003 as 
client, but I'm receiving the following messaging when running "tincd -n 
vpn -D -d5"

Trying to connect to server <...>
Timeout from server <...> during authentication
Could not set up a meta connection to server

I tried the same tinc configuration in a win7 and it works fine.
The firewall is disabled in ws2003, but I'm a linux user and it is 
possible that I'm missing some configuration to allow the connection.

Any suggestion could be usefull.


Diego G. Pasqualin

     Diego G. Pasqualin
     UFPR - Universidade Federal do Paraná
     C3SL - Centro de Computação Científica e Software Livre

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