tinc while traveling

Young-Jun Oh yjonly at gmail.com
Mon Apr 20 21:40:16 CEST 2009

Hi tinc forum,

I was setting up tinc server at home and try to use it while traveling.

There are two questions for me to acheive this.

1. When I scan available ports my external IP address from outside using
nmap, port 655 doesn't show up even though I've enabled on router. I'm using
AT&T DSL and not fixed IP.
I had to use port like 80 for tinc to work. Is this normal?

2. If I create a VPN connection to home from hotel, tinc server at home will
try to connect my laptop using port 655 which is not open and not forwarded
at hotel. Is there any way to get away with this? Can tinc use established
connection without creating new connection from home to hotel?

I'll appreciate any comments. Thanks in advance.


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