udp monitoring and routing manipulation

lizard lizard at furcon.de
Sat Apr 18 18:57:22 CEST 2009

one problem, one question :)

first the problem:
tinc establish a tcp-controll connection between nodes. if THIS
connection is up, tinc thinks everything is fine. but i had a case that
a stupid firewall thought "oh - udp-storm, lets block this". tinc think
that id the tcp-connection is file everything is file. but is was not ;(
is there a way to monitor the udp-connection and dissconnect tcp if udp
is brocken? (fallback is planed for 1.1 - readed it, waiting for
it ;))) )

the second, tinc builds routing-tables internal to route throgh the
mesh. is it passible to manipulate this tables? for example from A to C
nexthop B ?

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