looking for a tool to tunnel ethernet reliable on internet.

Henrik T. Jensen (HTJ) HTJ at thrane.com
Thu Aug 3 15:50:11 CEST 2006

Dear reader, im looking for a tool to tunnel ethernet reliable on
I have a set of devices do not themself have retransmission build in,
the rely on a "wired" LAN.
The all talk to a central host on a MAC to MAC basis.
I want to bring the devices far away from the Host and link them up via
internet, but packet drop on internet is my problem!

The tinc is almost perfect for my purpose, but as I understand it the
"Data" channel is build on UDP and is not reliable.
The Meta-protocol is build on TCP and is reliable.

Is there any way I can use the tinc in a reliable hub mode ?

The performence needs are very small, 64kbit/sec max delay 4 seconds.

Best regards

Henrik T Jensen

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