Mulitiple Networks on a Node

Denny Fox dennyf at
Mon Apr 3 22:18:40 CEST 2006


I have a tinc connection linking Net A and Net B that works fine.
Fwall B also has Net C on another ethernet interface.
Can I use the tinc connection to get Net A also connected to Net C?

The desired result is:

  Net A <--> Net B (this is working now)
        <--> Net C (want to add this) 

   _________             _________
  |         |           |         |
  | fwall A |  Internet | fwall B |
  |  runs   |-----------|  runs   |
  |  tinc   |   (tinc)  |  tinc   |----------|
  |_________|    A<>B   |_________|          |
     |                      |                |
     |                      |                |
     |                      |           ------------
     |                      |             Net C
-----------        ----------------
   Net A                 Net B



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