missing network connection for tap-device under Windows XP

Lutz Mändle lmaendle at gmx.net
Sun Aug 29 19:21:55 CEST 2004

today I've tried to install tinc under a german Windows XP SP2. After
adding the tap-device with addtap.bat as described in the example, in
the device manager appears a TAP-Win32-Adapter, but in the  network
connection list is no new entry. The command netstat -rn in a console
window shows, that there is an interface (Schnittstelle) for the TAP VPN

Some times ago I've installed tinc on a german W2K SP4 machine and all
things were ok.

Und Tschüß...
Lutz Mändle         Internet: lmaendle at gmx.net

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