dhcp configuration

Thomas Lopolito thomas at lopolito.com
Fri Aug 22 02:11:49 CEST 2003

How fo I configure my tinc-up and host file,(mine called remote), for a
dhcp assgned address?
current configuration:

ifconfig $INTERFACE hw ether fe:fd:00:00:00:00


address = ?????
sunnet =
RSA ket stuff here

Since the hostname of the laptop isn't in the etc/hosts file with a
static IP I can't use it and since I don't know the IP address I can't
use that either. Is the solution to find out what the ip address is each
time I plug into a new location and then manually enter it into the file
or is there some other mechinism?

My server does not have a tinc-up file,(do I really need it?) but the
hosts/home file looks like this:
address =
subnet =

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