4.12 was released

Wessel Dankers wsl at fruit.je
Wed Jul 5 19:54:10 CEST 2017


On 2017‒07‒05 19:32:31+0200, Nicolas Huillard wrote:
> I just tried it, but it fails when trying to mount the root FS, probably
> because you didn't compile-in btrfs... Too bad.
> Your packages also have an unusual shape, ie. no linux-firmware*.deb
> like Paul provides, and broken symlinks to source/ and include/ probably
> because I don't compile in /usr/src/ or so.

They are created using make-kpkg. You can install the linux-source and
linex-headers packages if you want to unbreak those symlinks.

Which settings should I add for btrfs support?

>> To compile it I had to remove the asus-t100-keyboard-driver and
>> brcm-txglom-dmesg-fix patches. Can anyone confirm that these are no longer
>> necessary?
> I don't know about these. I didn't see any mention of the
> keyboard/trackpad patch for the TCM in your tree. Is it included ?

All patches in https://www.fruit.je/download/click/patches/ and
https://www.fruit.je/download/click/patches-4.12/ are included.

> Thanks all for your work. I'm re-opening my TCM, preparing it for
> holidays, the usual time when I need it...

Happy hacking!

Wessel Dankers <wsl at fruit.je>

Sent from my general purpose computing device.
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