sensors and hardware buttons - was Re: 4.7.0-rc2

Paul Mansfield paul at
Thu Jun 30 22:53:29 CEST 2016

On 30 June 2016 at 21:05, Nicolas Huillard <nicolas at> wrote:
>> maybe we can hack up something to read the pins directly?
> I didn't find the GPI or pin number for those buttons anywhere in the

a generic GPIO sniffer might be useful

> There is also a cheap french one there if someone want to get involved :

would that have a French keyboard?

> By the way : 4.7.0rc5 x64 works great here, but the Wifi driver stops
> responding after a while, with an error like "nobody cared for IRQ187"

/proc/interrupts says that's mmc1

 187:        125          0          0          0   IO-APIC   46-fasteoi   mmc1

so tallies with the SDIO wifi. I've never seen it on a different IRQ,
it's the same on older kernels, so it's not as if it's different in

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