## Documentation Most of the documentation you can find here is in the tinc packages as well. If you have any questions you cannot find answered here, please try the list of [[Frequently Asked Questions|faq]]. If you still have a problem or comments you can send them to the [[mailing list|mail]] or you can [[contact]] the authors. Note: documentation is always behind. If you think you miss something, you spotted an error or you notice that the program does something else than the documentation says, please tell us! ### Manual The main source of information is the [tinc manual](/documentation/tinc_toc). This text describes how to set up a VPN using tinc. It also contains a chapter with more technical details, which you may want to read, as well as the ideas behind tinc. This manual is currently up to date with version 1.0.11. ### Manpages You can also view the HTML version of the manpages that come with version 1.0.11 of tinc: - [tincd(8)](/documentation/tincd.8) - [tinc.conf(5)](/documentation/tinc.conf.5) ### Examples After reading the manual, you can look at further [[examples]] of configuration files and scripts for various setups. There is also an example of [[installing tinc on Windows|examples/windows-install]]. ### Other material - The sheets of the [presentation about VPNs and tinc](/presentations/linuxexpo-20010123/) we gave during the Linux Expo in Amsterdam, 2001/01/23. - The sheets of the [presentation about VPNs and tinc](/presentations/nllgg/tp.ps.gz) we gave at the NLLGG meeting 2000/10/07.