dep_cmocka = dependency('cmocka', required: opt_tests) if not dep_cmocka.found() subdir_done() endif can_wrap = cc.has_link_argument('-Wl,--wrap=func') if not can_wrap message('linker has no support for function wrapping, mocked tests will not run') endif link_tinc = { 'lib': lib_tinc, 'dep': deps_tinc } link_tincd = { 'lib': lib_tincd, 'dep': deps_tincd } # Test definition format: # # 'free-form test name': { # 'code': 'test1.c', // or ['test1.c', 'test1_util.c'] # 'mock': ['foo', 'bar'], // list of functions to mock (default: empty) # 'link': link_tinc, // which binary to link with (default: tincd) # 'fail': true, // whether the test should fail (default: false) # } tests = { 'dropin': { 'code': 'test_dropin.c', }, 'random': { 'code': 'test_random.c', }, 'random_noinit': { 'code': 'test_random_noinit.c', 'fail': true, }, 'netutl': { 'code': 'test_netutl.c', }, 'net': { 'code': 'test_net.c', 'mock': ['execute_script', 'environment_init', 'environment_exit'], }, 'subnet': { 'code': 'test_subnet.c', }, 'protocol': { 'code': 'test_protocol.c', }, 'proxy': { 'code': 'test_proxy.c', }, 'utils': { 'code': 'test_utils.c', }, 'xalloc': { 'code': 'test_xalloc.c', }, 'memzero_null': { 'code': 'test_memzero_null.c', 'fail': true, }, 'splay_tree': { 'code': 'test_splay_tree.c', 'link': link_tinc, }, } env = ['CMOCKA_MESSAGE_OUTPUT=TAP'] foreach test, data : tests args = ld_flags if can_wrap mocks = data.get('mock', []) if mocks.length() > 0 args += ',--wrap='.join(['-Wl'] + mocks) endif endif libs = data.get('link', link_tincd) exe = executable(test, sources: data['code'], link_args: args, dependencies: [libs['dep'], dep_cmocka], link_with: libs['lib'], implicit_include_directories: false, include_directories: inc_conf, build_by_default: false) must_fail = data.get('fail', false) test(test, exe, suite: 'unit', timeout: 60, protocol: must_fail ? 'exitcode' : 'tap', env: env, should_fail: must_fail) endforeach