Problem with connecting another subnet

albi albi at
Sat Feb 9 10:17:34 CET 2019

> I'm using something similar to Amazon's VPCs, where a logical group of
> instances has a local subnet from the cloud provider. This local subnet
> is always As there are multiple VPC's, these private local
> subnets dont collide.

I do not know what Amazon does, and it looks like I do not want to know
it :-)

Am I correct? web, gateway and backup have NO direct lan connection and
you want to connect them via tinc.

If you need the "Amazon way" AND you have no double ips, you can use
tinc in switch mode and use your ips directly.
But switch means every broadcats will be transportet to every tinc node.

Normaly you would use 3 different local networks, 10.0.1.x, 10.0.2.x,
10.0.3.x, then you can use tinc in router mode (default).
Again you can just use your local 10.0.x.y ip for tinc and route all traffic to tinc. Which is done automaticly if you use /16
for tinc network. To be exact, /16 ist far to much, but should work.

If you want extra ips for tinc, you choose one network, lets say and just give every node one ip of this network. Then you
can ping each tinc server with this ip but not the 10.0.0.x ips.

I think gateway will not need 2 ips, you can do alot, but it does not
make things easier :-)


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