Dual, backup, Tinc Servers?

jradxl at yahoo.com jradxl at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 16 11:23:47 CEST 2018

Hi,Is it possible to configure two tinc vpn servers to act as backups for each other?
For example, suppose there are three PCs on a local LAN.TincServerA and TincServerB are configured to connect to the other end.
MachineC wants to connect to services on the other end, via either TincServerA or TincServerB.
In my current single tinc vpn setup, MachineC has a static route informing it of the single tinc server.If this tinc vpn server goes down, MachineC cannot connect to other end.
In a two tinc vpn servers setup, is there a way of switching the static route on MachineC to use TincServerB if TincServerA were to go down?
(If all three PCs were tinc vpn servers, it would mitigate the single point of failure, but would that waste Internet bandwidth with all three connecting to the other side?
Perhaps this is the only practical solution.)
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