1.1pre16 multiple address behavior

Jonathan Knezek jonathan.knezek at ampthink.com
Fri Jul 20 22:28:11 CEST 2018

Hello all,

I recently upgraded my Windows 10 installation from 1.1pre15 to 1.1pre16 and it appears that hosts with multiple address are behaving differently.

My host file looks like this:

  -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----
  Ed25519PublicKey = ...
  Subnet = ...
  Address = ...LAN_IP...
  Address = ...WAN_IP...

In 1.1pre15 eventually my machine would establish a meta-connection to the WAN IP, but after the upgrade my log looks like this:

  Timeout while connecting to remoteness (LAN_IP port 655)
  Closing connection with remoteness (LAN_IP port 655)
  Could not set up a meta connection to remoteness
  Trying to connect to remoteness (LAN_IP port 655)
  Timeout while connecting to remoteness (LAN_IP port 655)
  Closing connection with remoteness (LAN_IP port 655)
  Could not set up a meta connection to remoteness
  Trying to connect to remoteness (LAN_IP port 655)
  Timeout while connecting to remoteness (LAN_IP port 655)
  Closing connection with remoteness (LAN_IP port 655)
  Could not set up a meta connection to remoteness
  ...ad infinitum

Have there been any other reports of this behavior, or does anyone have a suggestion of what I should try to resolve it? Maybe it's incorrect to have the LAN IP as an Address given LocalDiscovery?

Thanks in advance,

Jonathan Knezek
jonathan.knezek at ampthink.com

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