Relaying some UDP traffic through tinc?

Alex Corcoles alex at
Fri Apr 13 21:06:39 CEST 2018

Hi again,

On Fri, 2018-04-13 at 19:56 +0100, Etienne Dechamps wrote:
> tinc is fully capable of traversing NATs automatically and
> transparently; it implements techniques such as UDP hole punching
> that are specifically designed to do just that.
> The only requirement is that you have *some* nodes on your graph that
> are not subject to NATs. In your case that would be your linux boxes.
> If you add your laptop and Windows machine to that graph by
> establishing tinc connections between them and their respective linux
> boxes, these new nodes that are behind NATs will automatically
> leverage your nodes that aren't behind NATs for rendezvous, UDP hole
> punching, and falling back to plain forwarding as necessary. There is
> no need to forward any ports, and the latency will be pretty much
> unaffected.

I'm not sure I follow. This would be a second mesh or add them to the
first one?

However, my linux boxes *are* behind a NAT (this is a home fiber
connection doing the NAT, they are behind that). For my four-site mesh
I take advantage that two nodes have public routable IPs *and* forward
ports on the fiber router to the tinc daemons... but I'm thinking
probably I'm doing it all wrong.

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