Relaying some UDP traffic through tinc?

Alex Corcoles alex at
Thu Apr 12 23:57:27 CEST 2018


I've got a four site site-to-site tinc mesh working nicely. I have the
following systems at two of those sites:

10.a.a.2: Linux box running tinc and DHCP/DNS for site A
10.a.a.dhcp: Windows desktop with a GPU
10.b.b.2: Linux box running tinc and DHCP/DNS for site B
10.b.b.dhcp: Linux laptop

I'd like to use Steam In-Home Streaming to game in the laptop streaming
from the desktop. The Steam protocol is not well documented, but it
seems to rely on UDP broadcasts to x.x.x.127 UDP port 27036 to discover
remote nodes.

I'd like to get this to work. I've tried:

, doing:

$ sudo ./udp-broadcast-relay 1 27036 eno1 pdp7

(eno1 is my LAN interface, pdp7 is the tinc interface)

on 10.a.a.2 but the traffic doesn't seem to show up at 10.b.b.2. What's
the easiest way to get this to work? I'd really not relay DHCP or most
other traffic, really...



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