How tinc route traffic when two subnets are identical?

Sven-Haegar Koch haegar at
Sat May 6 00:16:48 CEST 2017

On Thu, 4 May 2017, Dave Warren wrote:

> On Thu, May 4, 2017, at 09:04, Guus Sliepen wrote:
> Can I rely on this configuration as a lazy man's failover solution?


> I
> understand I can't set priorities or anything of that sort, I just want
> a simplistic failover if one or the other internet connection dies for
> locations that have multiple external routes/connections.

You can even set a kind of priority by giving the subnet definitions of 
two nodes a weight.

>From "man tinc.conf":

Subnet = address[/prefixlength[#weight]]
     A Subnet can be given a weight to indicate its priority over
     identical Subnets owned by different nodes. The default weight is
     10. Lower values indicate higher priority. Packets will be sent
     to the node with the highest priority, unless that node is not
     reachable, in which case the node with the next highest priority
     will be tried, and so on.


Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead.
- Ben F.

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