Timeout during authentication - connection timeout not configurable?

Nick Hibma nick at van-laarhoven.org
Wed Mar 29 10:14:30 CEST 2017

Hi there,

We use tincd over VSAT connections, and if the contract has been reduced to a bare minimum -and- the ship is moving, latency reaches 2 - 5 seconds (yes, seconds). Generally this is not a problem if you are patient (and most smart phones are), but tincd is slightly too fast in deciding that it is not going to work. We also use the tinc connection to check whether any traffic is possible.

Is there an option somewhere to set the connection timeout? I've already set the ping timeout to 15s and I would like to set the connect timeout to 15s as well.

From the ssh documentation:

            Specifies the timeout (in seconds) used when connecting to the SSH server, instead of using the default system TCP timeout.  This value is used only when the target is down or really unreachable, not when it refuses the connection.

So, if you need pointers as to how to implement this cross-platform, there you go :-)

Nick Hibma
nick at van-laarhoven.org

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