static configuration

ygrek ygrek at
Thu Nov 10 09:25:22 CET 2016


 I am tying to create tinc vpn for the ~1000 nodes and was thinking why meta connections are 
 needed at all if I only need static configuration where every node knows addresses of other hosts
 and due to the amount of traffic any indirect connections will not work, so DirectOnly=yes is a must
 and then passing around routing information is not needed, right? Currently I have 10 nodes
 that are targets to ConnectTo for all other nodes, and all they are doing is processing ADD_EDGE requests.

 So I was thinking:
 1. is it possible to start mesh vpn with only hosts file and no ConnectTo directives?
 2. is it ok that nodes are sending ADD_SUBNET (it consumes cpu to process) when StrictSubnets=yes?
 3. is it possible to switch off sending ADD_EDGE when DirectOnly=yes?
 4. is there a way to know why tinc thinks node is unreachable (I see quick changes from reachable to unreachable and back again in debug logs)?
    My current theory is that it is because ConnectTo target nodes are maxing out cpu and losing packets (and probably losing PMTUDiscovery packets).

 Thank you!


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