Switch mode tinc and masquerade

Chris Clarke chris at listerthrawn.co.uk
Fri Jun 3 11:43:14 CEST 2016


I've an existing tinc switch mode VPN set up with a few nodes.  I've now 
added a new node, but I want this node to route all its traffic through 
tinc and use one of the tinc nodes as its gateway to the rest of the 

I've got the device on the VPN and it participates nicely, but I can't 
talk to the internet at large.  When I tcpdump the external interface on 
the exit node, I see the packets leaving the network, but the source IP 
is still the tinc VPN IP address of the device, and it's not NAT'd the 
source as I expected.  I've checked that I've added an iptables rule to 
do this, but for some reason it's not hitting it. I'm not new to setting 
up NAT gateways with iptables so I'm pretty sure that bit is correct.

Could this be something to do with it coming from tinc?



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