Having more info, like the ip address of the vpn nodes in the xdot graph file of tinc

Maximilian H. mhlists at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 22 14:12:20 CET 2016


I am using tinc's feature to dump a graph of the vpn extensively to view
the machines which are currently part of the vpn.

In my tinc.conf I have this:
GraphDumpFile = /tmp/tinc-graph

Then I have a desktop starter that executes
/usr/bin/xdot /tmp/tinc-graph
to open the graph.

I would love to have the ip addresses of the vpn ips of the tinc nodes
in that graph, e.g. if one tinc node is called office00, then I would
like the graph to not only show "office00", but "office00".
I do not want the "real" ip address of the machines, but the ip address
that I assigned inside the vpn.

In this way I would not have to memorise or lookup the ips whenever some
utterly gifted specialist needs some assistance via vnc or similar or I
need to connect to some ip of a machine with ssh.

Is there a way I could achieve this ? The tinc graph file starts like this:
digraph {
	office00 [label = "office00"];
	office01 [label = "office01"];

The label would have to say [label = "office00"]. Manual
editing is out of the question, since the graph gets rewritten every
time the vpn changes. A script started by a cron job is possible, but
every time I change some ip configuration of the vpn or add machines
then need to edit and update that cron script as well and sometimes the
graph is written and I want to lookup stuff before the cron job has run
- it would be easier if tinc could do that out of the box.


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