Does tinc have something akin to openvpn's --tls-auth ? Or do I not need that at all ?

Maximilian H. mhlists at
Fri Jan 22 13:16:36 CET 2016


I wanted to ask if tinc had something akin to openvpn's --tls-auth
option, for all the reason's listed here:

I have read, but I
have not seen anything similar.

Or do I not need that feature at all because tinc handles cryptology
different than openvpn ( tinc's uses RSA keys which are generated during
setup currently - openvpn uses a cert authority with X.509 with
different tls ciphers afaik )?

While my understanding of crypto is not bad, I would not want to assume
to judge crypto implementations on their design, so I am asking a stupid
question to further my understanding - and feel better with my use of
tinc, dot the i's and cross the t's and all that.


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