Help needed with Tinc Setup on remote hosts and lots of ISPs / Failover Problems between ISPs

Guus Sliepen guus at
Fri Apr 24 14:24:26 CEST 2015

On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 10:09:05PM +0200, Raimund Sacherer wrote:

> At first I really like the idea of having 3 Daemons on the headquarter, one for each ISP. The firewall should forward the port 655 from each ISP's public IP Address to my internal server and to the ports 655, 656, 657 respectively
> My question now is, for every tinc daemon I need a tun or tap device, so how should the routing be done correctly? I have the VPN Network
> Right now I have one tinc daemon and one tun0 device. I route the complete to tun0. How do I have to proceed if I want this be available from all 3 tinc-deamons (which from the internet-side will have every one it's own public IP with a different ISP)? 
> The idea would be that I:
> * do not have to care if a line goes down, remote offices just reconnect to one of the other lines
> * in the event of a severe degradation of a line I just stop the corresponding daemon, all remote offices which had used this internet line just reconnect to one of the others
> * do not really care to which ISP every remote office connects

In this case, I think it's best if you do not add any routes in the
tinc-up script. So there, you just configure the address of the
interface, but don't supply a netmask:

ifconfig $INTERFACE 10.96.x.y

Then, assuming you run tinc in router Mode (the default), you should
create a script named "subnet-up" in the same directory as tinc-up, and
put this in it:

ip addr add $SUBNET dev $INTERFACE

And a "subnet-down" script:

ip addr del $SUBNET dev $INTERFACE

This will cause tinc to automatically add and remove routing entries,
depending on which nodes are reachable. You will get multiple routing
entries for the same subnet but to different interfaces. One of them
will be chosen by the kernel based on the order of addition, but you
don't care about it so it's fine. If tinc detects that a node goes down,
the subnet-down script will remove the offending route, and the kernel
will then use another one. And if you manually stop a tincd its routes
will be removed as well.

Met vriendelijke groet / with kind regards,
     Guus Sliepen <guus at>
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