I need some guidance to design my vpn.

Siavash Sameni siavash.sameni at gmail.com
Fri Nov 14 12:23:12 CET 2014

Hello everyone,
I'm actually using tinc mostly to route all my traffic to another server ,
and my internet provider does all sorts of shaping and packet
inspection to the outgoing packets,
including but not limited to shaping encrypted TCP sessions , and
re-routing UDP connections every few minutes and even blocking IP
addresses in case too many users are connected
with a traffic other than HTTP, so the only way tic works reliably
most of the times is to use TCP .
but yet they do shape the session , but if use multiple servers , then
everything would get fine and i get much better througput.
so what i think is possible to do is to achieve some results like MLPPP .
what I have in mind is something like this:
                            ----- TINC ON VPS 1 ----
                           /                         \
                          /                           \
LAN/PC-------Linux/ROUTER-  -  -   BONDING -   --------VPS 3------INTENRET
                          \                           /
                           \                         /
                            ------ TINC ON VPS 2 ---

I'd actually have two instances of tinc VPS 3 and Linux Router both
would be on the both networks,

I think i must configure each VPN in switch mode so it uses TAP
device, and then I'd be able to configure balance-rr bound and i can
aggregate the traffic on the other end and use multiple servers hence
decreasing session speed and balance the traffic between multiple
servers .
that's actually the idea , can someone express their ideas regarding
the matter ?
thanks alot.

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